Network Transformation

Google, the gate no 1 to Internet: Kings of Disaggregation

Continuing from last week, let us explore what weaknesses the Internet may have and how the Web-Scale companies exploited these weaknesses to become an integral part of the Internet.

  • The Internet is a huge Shopping Mall much bigger than all Physical malls put together.
  • You can potentially reach Millions or Billions, but no can walk by your store and come for the experience? How much time does one have to look for you, and why you?
  • The look and feel, the value you offer, the experience you bring etc. are all lost, when no one comes and visits, it is so big that one random person visiting you in a lifetime is just a possibility.
  • It is cheap to set up a virtual shop, but it is just that, Virtual!

The main problem for you is to get traffic to your store, the more the footfall, the better your chances. Serve your customers well, and they will share your address and exact locations with others. People will come by references. But how do you get people to come to your store?

If The Internet was a shopping mall, which gate do you use to enter it?

For most of the people who speak English and even some non-English people too, I guess the answer is Google. Google is by default the gate no 1 for the internet mall. The gate is also the gatekeeper, the mall guide, the director of the traffic flows. Your “AD” next to the gate can get you traffic, but you must pay the gatekeeper for keeping this “AD” and pay the guide to “suggest” your name, or pay the “Director, using SEO” to get the traffic directed to yourself.

I guess I have made my point, the business that Google is in, is strange. They have created a dependency based on the inherent weakness of a vast business platform. They had to invest a lot to become the gate but now all the shops whether they make money or not, need to pay the gate for their own survival and are all contributing to make it even bigger, more sophisticated and are in the process, giving this gate even more power over themselves.

It is a great platform, it can help you reach your destiny. This gate has become the god, that must be paid homage to if you want “nirvana”.

Next week, I will take up another gate to the Internet, so stay tuned.

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