Leaders in my life

What I learned from Mr. Ravi Chauhan at Nortel

Continuing from last week, I would like to share yet another lesson from my Nortel days, this time from Mr. Ravi Chauhan, who was the Managing Director for Nortel India at the time I worked for him.

Salary Raise is not the best thing that you can give to your team.

I had known Ravi for a few years before he took up the role of Managing Director. He was leading the enterprise team based in India before that role and I had been working with his team in some cross-functional projects. His team was always pumped up and had been producing great results, growing year after year. The stellar performance of the team made him the Ideal candidate for the role of Managing Director, when Mr. Ashoka Walia, the Managing Director before him, decided to move back to North America.

When I started working for Ravi, I realized that he worked in a very different style.

First, he gave me his trust. I did not feel at any time that he doubted my intentions or capability. I always felt comfortable around him and very comfortable sharing my ideas and challenges.

Second, he gave me his time. He did make space in his busy calendar for me, it always made me feel important.

Third, he listened to me. He gave me a chance to present my case to him, he would ask questions, be interested and be inquisitive.

Fourth, he would give me his advice. He would help me build a better business case. He would help me realize the things that I may have missed and pushed me to include them.

Fifth, he would give me his support. He would them help me, by canvassing for my business within the company.

He helped me broaden my perspectives and become a better leader myself.

I hope that you all can do to for your teams, what Ravi did for me. Give them the support that they need and not just the salary that they deserve.

Stay tuned for more next week.

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