Leaders in my life

What I learned from Mr. He Ming at Huawei – Part 2

Continuing from last week, I will share another lesson I learned from Mr. He Ming, who was the global head for Network Solutions and my Boss in the Headquarters.

Leader must acknowledge the Stress, and take steps alleviate it.

I was attending my first annual sales conference at Shenzhen, China along with select people from my team. India was one of the 17 Global Regions and it was a grand affair. India was the smallest region but was believed to have a lot of potential. The first two days of the conference included many presentations and many of them also included performance stats for various Regions and the results were projected against expectations.

Huawei aimed to grow at a great pace and despite all the hard work by all the regions, there was always significant pressure on them to perform and deliver results.

Mr. He Ming had a session organised on the third day with a Meditation Expert and he set the stage by telling each one of us that we must work hard and that we will have to deal with the stress in our endeavor to deliver results for the company, but we must also take care of ourselves. He shared the techniques he used and then handed over to an Expert to the lead the session on Meditation.

The teams from all over the world enjoyed it and respected Mr He Ming for acknowledging the day to day stress and not just stopping there but taking a step forward to help the leaders with some tools to help them deal with it too.

I wish all leaders can acknowledge the stress and help teams deal with it. I hope you can let your teams know that you understand what they go through and share your wisdom with them.

Stay tuned for more next week.

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