Network Transformation

Every architecture has a shelf life

Last week we looked at some indicators that tell us in no uncertain way that we must transform. But we also realized that by the time we see these indicators, we may already be too late. So, today we will look at some early indicators that the network needs a transformation.

  • Long time to launch a new service: Network team is behind the business.
  • Market price is falling faster that the network cost: It may indicate that the architecture that we are using may be outdated or designed for the right scale.
  • Network is going through multiple upgrade cycles: You cannot even meet the next quarters requirements with the current network, you will need a quarter to be ready for next quarter. As a network planner, you are always on the edge.
  • Single vendor dependency: Your network roadmap is governed by the vendor’s product roadmap. You are held up, but do not seem to have a choice.
  • Multiple Handoffs: The network has too many layers. Each service requires multiple teams and multiple networks to work.
  • Troubleshooting is complex: You need experts to find out what is wrong, or you need to involve multiple teams, or you are dependent on your vendors to figure out what is wrong.
  • Drop Traffic vs Pass-through Traffic: Customers do not pay for pass through traffic, so if you have more pass-through traffic, your cost per service will be high.
  • Many unused features in every equipment you have: You paid for a lot more features that you use. That may indicate that you do not have the right dimensioning.

If you notice some of these indicators, it means that the network is in the need for change. Soon!

Stay tuned for more next week.

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