Network Transformation

Router: Should we buy it as Hardware?

Continuing from last week, let us further evaluate the Router or L3 device composition. Let me share a picture to try and simplify this ongoing transformation.

I have tried to make things very simple, and some of you may say, “simplistic”. But I do believe that a lot of hardware on the Routers is just compute and is running a piece of code. part of which will move to SDN as centralized control and services need not be bought from the same guy that you buy the hardware, as long as you can get VNFs which could be hosted on a platform that does basic routing and line adaptation using merchant silicon and application based protocol suite.

The router vendors today bundle all the capabilities. It is great to buy bundles, in case you need everything everywhere, but that is increasingly not the case.

Let me know your thoughts on it. Stay tuned for more next week.

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