Leaders in my life

What I learned from Mr. Anthony McLachlan at Nortel – Part 2

Continuing from last week, today I will share another lesson from Anthony, during my days at Nortel.

So, What do you really want to do?

One day during a review meeting, with Anthony, one of the team members was droning about the various issues we are facing. Anthony listened to him for some time and then said, “If you want to cry over all these issues, I can give you some tissues.”

This brought the conversation to a halt and made the situation a bit awkward. Then Anthony continued and said to all of us,”When you tell me your problems, focus on

a)what you are doing about them and

b)what you want me to do?

We all have problems and we can discuss them till the cows come home. But please focus on the what do you really want to do?”

I wish all of you can focus on the actions that you can take that can help make the situation better and not just get overwhelmed with the problems that we all may face.

Stay tuned for more next week.

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