Network Transformation

Special vs Custom vs Standard? Choosing the Building Blocks-2

Continuing from last week, let us explore the role of standards in creating the networks. Standards do not exist for everything and it is great that they do not. Imagine if government standardized the the sizes, colors and materials of cloths. and that every company was mandated to make only the specific sizes and colors only. We will have

  • a lot of flexibility
    • pick any part of the dress from any vendor any shop any city
    • find the nearest shop
  • a lot of efficiency
    • in the entire ecosystem
    • easy to hire / train staff
  • and also cost effectiveness
    • limited risk to business
    • “make it cheaper” will be the only “innovation”

But, it will be a boring world indeed. Innovation will die and we will have one big disadvantage.

Most of the people will be wearing a loose dress or a one that is little tight. Since there is no custom design. The innovation will run out of the market and the entire business will become that of “cheap labour” and “automation”.

In short “standards” can become the opposite of “innovation” and can take the kick out of the complete business. And we stick to too many standards, we will loose the ability to differentiate and to customize. We cannot afford “death by standards”.

Stay tuned for more next week.

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