Leaders in my life

Unnecessary Intimacy Ugly and Incomplete : A way to build Beautiful Human Organizations

Continuing from last week, today I will cover a TED talk by Tim Leberecht. If you have about 12 minutes, you can listen to this talk on Ted by clicking here. Else please read the following few lines to get the gist of it. “A humanist in Silicon Valley, Tim Leberecht argues that in a time of artificial intelligence, big data and the quantification of everything, we are losing sight of the importance of the emotional and social aspects of our work.”

Four keys to building a Beautiful Human Organization

Tim says that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is coming our way and many of the jobs will be replaced by more efficient machines. Humans must move away from jobs that just need efficiency and start focusing on jobs that add beauty and are not just about being more efficient. He says we need to

a) Do the Unnecessary: That is the first thing that makes us Human. The owner of Chobani distributed shares to all employees, this came as a pleasant surprise to many, who cried with joy. It was completely unnecessary but Human. Tim also quotes an example of a failed merger, where the teams decided to kill all that was unnecessary and made the process very mechanical.

b) Create Intimacy: Marriage Researcher Jon Gottman says, “The secret of healthy relationships is not a great gesture or a lofty promise, it is small moments of attachment.” We need to create organizations that do not just have connected-ness but intimacy. That makes a huge difference in the strength of the connections.

c) Be Ugly: We must create a culture where people can be authentic and share the ugly truth and not hide it.

d) Remain Incomplete: The most beautiful things in the organizations are the ideas worth fighting for. They are not complete but they are the ones that pull the organizations into new directions.

If we can do all this in the organization, it will feel like home and we will have beautiful Human organizations.

Wish you all can promote these in your own organizations. Stay tuned for more next week.

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