Leaders in my life

What I learned from Mr. R N Nayak at Power Grid – Part 2

Continuing from last week, today I will cover another lesson from Mr. R. N. Nayak.

Domain Knowledge is not the key to Leadership Success

Like I said before, Mr. Nayak was new to our group, and had experience of the commercial part of the business for Power Grid and I thought he knew little about automation or communication. I had my doubts of his success i running our department. We had three verticals, one was communication which was my group, then we had SCADA which related to Computerized Data Acquisition and Analysis and the third one was EMS, Energy Management Software. We had people who had been working in these domains for years and were leading each vertical. I though that the experts will have the final word on everything and that someone who did not have domain expertise could not really lead.

I was proven so wrong, domain expertise could be gained and like I said in my previous lesson, Mr. Nayak did not spare any effort to gain the relevant knowledge. I now know that the other qualities which makes a leader however, are tougher to gain. He set the vision and worked with each one to make sure that we were aligned to that vision. He made sure that our efforts are aligned and that the roadblocks are removed from our paths and ensured that the left hand knew what the right hand was doing etc. He put in those systems in place that set us on a consistent path of progress.

I believe you may have realized this on your own already by now. I wish you can share this lesson with your team members who aspire to be leaders one day.

Stay tuned for more next week.

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