Leaders in my life

What I learned from Mr. R N Nayak at Power Grid – Part 3

Continuing from last week, today I will cover another lesson from Mr. R. N. Nayak.

Thrift is Good

Many times when I had the chance to present on discuss something with Mr. Nayak, he would innocently ask a question, “JP, can we do it in lesser cost? What are the other options?”. He would push around the corners and make sure that we explored options for reducing the cost. He would make efforts himself and set multiple examples. He would say, “If we can do efforts to make sure that we spend the minimum to get the maximum for our homes when we have to make personal expenses, why can not we do the same for office?” This always got me thinking. If as leaders we can all instill this simple habit in our team members, we will have a team that is conscious and can help the organization succeed, in a world that is becoming more and more competitive.

We must take advantage of all the resources that the organization provides but we must on abuse our positions to put the organization at a disadvantage. In the long run it is better to be Thrifty.

Stay tuned for more next week.

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